Friday, 28 June 2019
2019/2010 Product and Service Update
As per last year, Contact Media travelled with Capital Legacy to Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg to update brokers on their products and services enhancements. And as per last year, it has been a huge success. Everyone who attended is proud to be affiliated with an innovative and successful company like Capital Legacy. From subtle branding touches like food signs and scarves, to major branding aspects in each venue and a mind-blowing presentation, brokers left the session excited and empowered to help their clients. Together with this client, everything we touch turns to blue – Capital Legacy blue!

Friday, 15 March 2019
Elite Trip 2019
How about a trip on the MSC Musica to reward the top performers in your company?! Let Contact Media take care of it and we’ll create a unique and memorable experience for all! The weekend consisted of spoils, fun, an island lunch, a private cocktail function and lots of drinks! Well done to the Capital Legacy Elite 2019 group – you deserved every minute of it!
Thursday, 14 March 2019
BP2W Annual Conference
Each year Capital Legacy invites all their employees from around the country to join the Annual BP2W Conference. Not only does Contact Media take care of all the event elements for the conference, but also all the logistics of getting the staff to Joburg (flights, accommodation and transfers). The beautiful Langhams Executive Conferencing hosted all the guests for the formal part of the conference and also the post-conference networking and relaxing. We just love working with highly motivated and great performing company!

Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Capital Legacy Excellence Awards 2019
It was an evening where the best of the best were recognised. An evening dedicated to greatness, acknowledgement of significant contributions and excellence. It was Capital Legacy’s first Excellence Awards Evening. Brokers for Durban, Cape Town, Johannesburg and other outlying areas, joined the celebration and enjoyed champagne while watching the sunset over Sandton. Stylish décor, delicious food and celebrating achievements in good company, resulted in a night to remember. Event the spouses of the winners felt special as they received an unique gift upon departure. Together with the guests, we look forward celebrate again in 2020.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Golf Tour
How do you get brokers together to have some fun? You arrange a Golf Day with Capital Legacy and ensure sufficient drinks on and off the course! Contact Media put together three golf days for our client in three different provinces. With a Capital Legacy Blue Gin and Tonic Bar, great prizes and the incentive of a possible R100 000 cheque for a hole-in-one, the brokers were sure to have fun and enjoy the networking opportunity. We look forward to making this an annual event with brokers already booking their fourball for next year’s golf day.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018
Exponential Legacy
5 weeks. 7 cities across SA. And over 2 200 brokers!
Contact Media is proud to have managed this event on behalf of our client Capital Legacy. From concept to state of the art LED screens to branded items, and everything in between we've helped our client achieve their goals in launching products the life insurance industry has never seen before!
Century City Convention Centre
Olive Convention Centre
Sandton Convention Centre
Ashwood Guesthouse
Fusion Boutque Hotel
The Boardwalk Hotel
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Legacy Lessons
Welcoming Capital Legacy to our client base, we assisted them with presenting Legacy Lessons to brokers in Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town and Pretoria, respectively. Subtle touches of décor and branding, provided a different touch to the standard conference set up. Very positive feedback has been received and guests are looking forward to the next session in this series.